Counseling Services for Children
Play therapy is a method of therapy that uses play to uncover and deal with psychological issues. It can be used on its own, particularly with children, or along with other therapies and medications.
Parent coaching is when one or both parents (or any primary caregiver) meet with a professional coach in an effort to foster goal achievement related to parenting. In this non-judgmental setting, the coach can use psychoeducation and evidence-based strategy to navigate familial issues related to children.
An attachment-based approach to therapy looks at the connection between an infant's early attachment experiences with primary caregivers, usually with parents, and the infant's ability to develop normally and ultimately form healthy emotional and physical relationships as an adult.
Child advocacy refers to a range of individuals, professionals and advocacy organizations who speak out on the best interests of children. An individual or organization engaging in advocacy typically seeks to protect children's rights which may be abridged or abused in a number of areas. They can also help assist parents in deciding what scholastic programs will be beneficial to the child's mental growth and development.